Page 140 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 140

Activity 23
                                                                                 • Elicit the importance of writing
                                                                                   a first draft. Their answers may
                                                                                   vary, but they should be able to    T
                                                                                   tell you that a text is not written
                                                                                   in one sitting, because it takes   rack 56
                                                                                   time to plan it and execute it.
                                                                                   A draft will allow them to see
                                                                                   if the comic strip works, or if
                                                                                   there are any mistakes that they
                                                                                   need to correct (regarding the
                                                                                   format, design, illustrations, text,
                                                                                   grammar, and spelling).
                                                                                 • Remind students to use all they
                                                                                   have worked on throughout
                                                                                   this practice to do the first draft.
                                                                                   They should go back and check
                                                                                   the previous activities and
                                                                                   decide what they need.

                                                                                 • Go through the example
                                                                                   with students and read
                                                                                   the REMEMBER.
                                                                                 • Help them take note of the
                                                                                   different adverbs used and
                                                                                   encourage students to use some
                                                                                   of them in the text of their
                                                                                   comic strip.
                                                                                 • Ask students to compare what is
                                                                                   told in the text and what is going
                                                                                   on in the illustration.

              • Allow plenty of time for them to do the first draft of their comic strip. They can draw some sketches and not
               color them, as they will draw the final illustrations when they make the final version.
              • Provide some feedback and help, if necessary.

              Activity 24
              • Play the track and encourage students to compare the description that serves as an example with the
               illustration in Activity 23.
              • Remind them that they can read the transcript in the next activity, but they should only focus on what the    T
               student says, not on the notes surrounding the description.
              • Tell students to check the first draft of the comic strip they did.                                 rack 57
              • Ask them to describe each of the panels of their first draft.

              • Tell them that this is another way to look for missing details and to check their work before doing the final

              • Make sure students recognize the relevance of describing the panels of the first draft of their comic strip.
               That will allow them to contrast their own repertoire of words to the one from the story and to select
               appropriate adjectives and adverbs to describe their characters.

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