Page 36 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 36

Activity 12
                                                                                 • Replay the first part of the track
                                                                                   Activity 12
                                                                                 • This activity is provided so
                                                                                   that you can explain reading
                                                                                   strategies, let your students
                                                                                   take their time to think about
                                                                                   the way they read. If possible, it
                                                                                   is a good idea for them to take
                                                                                   mental notes (instead of writing
                                                                                   them down).

                                                                                 • If you have time, you could
                                                                                   choose to re-read the poems
                                                                                   from Activity 6 to consolidate
                                                                                   this skill.

                                                                                 • Whenever possible, give your
                                                                                   students the chance to read any
                                                                                   text at least twice. The first time
                                                                                   is for general skimming and
                                                                                   scanning and the second is for
                                                                                   understanding the details.
                                                                                 Activity 13
                                                                                 • Help your students express
                                                                                   their ideas, especially if they are
                                                                                   having difficulty with specific
                                                                                 • Remind your students to retrieve
                                                                                   the mental notes they made
                                                                                   when reading so as to express
                                                                                   their feelings. Those mental
                                                                                   notes are useful when trying

               to interact with others, in real life they won’t be able to write down what they want to talk about (except, for
               example, in a prepared intervention: a presentation, a complaint call, etc.).

              Activity 14
              • Poetic meter is based on rhythm (the succession of stressed and unstressed syllables). While there are many
               treatises, it is not necessary to use specialized vocabulary for each type of stress.

              • Modern poetry may not be completely based on the pattern of stressed-unstressed syllables, so it is better,
               for this activity, to use older poems.

              • Most poems in English use what is called iambic pentameter, which is a sequence of unstressed-stressed
               syllables repeated five times in each verse.

                   Translate icon / Additional definitions:
              -  lullaby (n.): canción de cuna (arrullo)

              -  convey (v.): transmitir (comunicar, expresar, transportar)

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