Page 32 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 32
Activity 6
• The purpose of this activity is
to fully engage your students
in the reading of poems and
to activate other types of
knowledge, besides their
emotions, as preparation for
the upcoming activities.
• Before this activity, ask your
students if they know any
poems beyond those that they
have read in this practice and
ask them to share them.
• Bring some magazines to
class for students to use
for the collage. Remember
that appropriate images
should be chosen. Help
your students avoid images
that might be controversial,
insensitive or plainly offensive.
If they can use the Internet
to download the images,
help your students use the
filters provided in the image
repositories and encourage
them to use free-use images.
• If possible, play a video or
an audio of a poetry reading
when they finish the collage.
Translate icon / Additional definitions:
- pain (n.): dolor (doler, apenar) T
- heal (v.): sanar (también: curar)
- fear (n.): miedo (tener miedo, temer, temor)
- linger (v.): entretenerse (permanecer, quedarse) racks 13, 14 and 15
Activity 7
• Emile Pinet is a contemporary Canadian poet. His poetry is centered on nature and poetic observations of
life in general.
• Shel Silverstein was an American poet, who died in 1999. He specialized in writing poetry for children.
Teacher’s Book / Practice 2 31