Page 41 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 41
Activity 22 (continues)
• You could ask students to select
a silhouette of an object they
like beforehand. They could
then use this shape to
write their poem.
Activity 23
• We suggest reading A Poison
Tree, because the following
rack 17 activities are based on that text.
However, if you have time, it
T might be useful to adapt this
whole section to a different
text, so students can work on A
Poison Tree later, in case there
are no other poems available.
• Remind your students they can
make short notes (one or two
words) to register their feelings.
• Tell them to be honest with their
answers and to respect other
people’s feelings.
Activity 24
• This activity is intended as both
an assessment and evidence of
learning. As in other moments
of this practice, you may use
the assessment tool with other
poems, provided you change
the assessment items for
reading comprehension.
• In the examples, the reflexive pronoun appears after the preposition ‘by’. However, it is important that your
students can contrast this with other examples in which they appear after different words.
40 Teacher’s Book / Practice 2