Page 37 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 37
Activity 15
• Before playing the track, tell
students to scan the poem
rack 16 themselves with the content. If
so that they can acquaint
necessary, elicit what happens
T in the poem.
• To help your students, you could
ask them how to pronounce the
words in brackets, check if they
notice anything and go through
the REMEMBER with them.
• Play the track twice and give
them time to fill in the blanks.
Help them notice how the
same sound may be spelled
in different ways. Instead of
having them learn by rote, it
is important for them to pay
attention to the words before
and after an unknown word,
since they give clues to
its meaning.
• Remind your students that
in other kinds of interactions
(especially face-to-face), they
could ask for the word to be
spelled out.
Activity 16
• Rhythm also allows us to
understand complex pairs
of words that change their
meaning according to the position of the stressed syllable (for example, record-verb, with stress on the
second syllable; record-noun, with stress on the first syllable).
• Sight-sound correspondences in English are an important issue than can help your students predict the
pronunciation of a word. Although it seems unpredictable, there are three general guidelines: spelling is
largely alphabetic, except for some affixes (that change according to the initial or final sound of the word
they attach to) and when the etymology of a word needs to be shown.
Translate icon / Additional definitions:
- accomplish (v.): llevar a cabo (lograr, terminar, cumplir)
- failure (n.): fracaso (fallar, falla)
36 Teacher’s Book / Practice 2