Page 58 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 58
Activity 14
• This activity integrates the two
previous activities, working
toward the development of
the product. The purpose
of reflecting upon hard content
regarding English (repertoire of
words and expressions, graphic
and textual components) is
because, in this case, they can
be used as a series of clues to
understand a text (in this case,
an experiment).
• You may offer hints about
general meaning, if your
students have difficulty
establishing it. However, remind
your students that one of the
major milestones in becoming
an independent user of the
language is to be able to
understand the meaning of
everyday texts.
Activity 15
• Check the list of materials
the students wrote and, if
necessary, show them how to
use abbreviations. For example,
liter - L, kilogram - kg, meter -
m, centimeter - cm, gallon - gal.
• This activity would be more
challenging if you had your students classify the abbreviations into categories (e.g. distance: ft, km; weight:
kg, lb; capacity: l, gal).
• Just in case your students need the information, a foot (which has 12 inches, 1 in = 2.54 cm) is equal
to 30.5 cm, 3 feet make a yard (1 yd: 91.3 cm); 1 mile (mi.) = 1.609 km; 1 gallon (which has 8 pints) = 3.785 l.
There are two types of ounces: one for liquids (called a fluid ounce: 1 fl. oz = 29.75 ml) and one for solids
(1 oz = 28 g). 16 oz = 1 pound (1 lb = 454 g).
• Be sure your students know that there is always a space between the number and unit and units are
abbreviated when you are reporting a numerical value.
Activity 16
• Another strategy for doing this activity is that each team appoints a secretary to record the findings of the
members of the team doing the experiment.
• Remind your students that the drawing might not be perfect. That’s why this activity is meant to be carried T
out as a team, there may be students who have less drawing ability than others.
• On the other hand, they may want to choose a teammate who reads well, so as to alleviate comprehension rack 22
issues. However, it is important to encourage shy students or those who are less skilled at speaking to have
a turn reading aloud, to motivate them and imbue self-confidence.
Translate icon / Additional definitions: depict (v.): ilustrar (representar, pintar, retratar)
Teacher’s Book / Practice 3 57