Page 79 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 79
Activity 24
• Elicit what the appropriate
volume, intonation, and speed
are while doing this activity.
Their answers should be similar
to the following:
- “When speaking, in order
to convey energy and to be
persuasive, we should use
intonation to make what we
are saying come to life. It is
essential that the tone we use
represents what we want to
- “The appropriate volume is
when we can be heard and
understood. We must not shout
or scream.”
- “The best advice is to adjust
our speed to the person we
are speaking to. If English
is not our interlocutor’s first
language, we should speak
slowly and clearly.”
Activity 25
• Encourage students to give
constructive feedback while
doing this activity. Here are some
tips that might be helpful to
- Use the “sandwich technique”:
start with praise, or a positive comment, then get into the area that the other person could improve, then
reiterate the positive.
- Focus on the situation, not the person: it will help prevent the other person from potentially feeling attacked.
- Think about timing: a specific time and place when giving feedback is encouraged, such as right now. This
can be the difference between the other person being totally receptive to our comments and completely
rejecting them.
- Offer specific suggestions: it keeps the discussion focused and gives the other person a concrete area for
78 Teacher’s Book / Practice 4