Page 84 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 84

Activity 2
                                                                                 •  These practices, as you may
                                                                                   have noticed, allow you to work
                                                                                   in a contextualized fashion with
                                                                                   formal content about grammar
                                                                                   and phonetics, and to delve
                                                                                   further in on them. You may want
                                                                                   to check either how students
                                                                                   compose their questions
                                                                                   (especially if they are using
                                                                                   more complex structures with
                                                                                   two or more verbs in the same
                                                                                   question such as: Do you think
                                                                                   rabbits eat their way through the
                                                                                   fence?), or how they pronounce
                                                                                   questions. You may check either
                                                                                   the pronunciation of specific
                                                                                   sounds, or prosodic features
                                                                                   such as rhythm and intonation.
                                                                                 •  Despite the focus on formal
                                                                                   details, remind yourself and
                                                                                   your students that the aim of
                                                                                   this practice is how they can
                                                                                   use language to have some
                                                                                   fun. Remember, you have more
                                                                                   practices throughout the year to
                                                                                   help your students achieve
                                                                                   B1 level.

                                                                                 •  Provide enough time for
                                                                                   sharing the questions and
                                                                                   for re-reading the riddle if
                                                                                   necessary. Form your students
                                                                                   into teams that allow more
                                                                                   proficient students to help those
              Activity 3                                                           who are less proficient.
              •   In this practice, we will provide the answers to the riddles, but we insist on keeping them secret up to
                  the point at which everyone has given up.
              •   If necessary, have your students take a look at the illustration for an additional clue as to how to solve
                  the riddle.
              •   By the way, the answer to the riddle in Activity 1 is that the burrow was always there, so when the fence
                  was built, it was built around the burrow.
              •   Ask your students if they have ever answered riddles such as the one in Activity 1, what they found to
                  be the most and least complex parts of solving them, and the strategies they employed.
              Activity 4
              •   When there is a track to be played, you should have a sound check before starting. That way, your
                  students will be able to decide whether they will need to rearrange their chairs.                   T
              •   Remember, it is best to arrange the chairs in a horseshoe shape and put the CD player in the center. If
                  possible, get some additional speakers instead of turning the volume all the way up, because it tends to   rack 34
                  distort the voices.

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