Page 85 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 85

Activity 4 (continues)
              • You should have your students
               read the whole text before
               playing the track. If you feel
               your students are up to the task,
               you may ask them to read just
               the title and then play the track.
              Activity 5
              • Let your students share their
               justification for their answer and
               the clues in the text that helped
               them reach it.

              • Actually, any of the three
               answers could be correct.
               However, since we are trying
               to have your students think out
               of the box, option B is the
               best solution.
              • You can add some short
               riddles if you have time. Here
               we provide you with a few: If
               a plane crashes right on the
               border between two countries,
               where are the survivors buried?
               (Answer: The survivors cannot
               be buried, since, well, they are
               still alive.) / If a rooster lays
               an egg on the exact peak of
               a barn, on which side does it
               fall? (Answer: Hens lay eggs;
               roosters are male, so they don’t
               lay eggs.)/ Is it correct to say,
               “The yolks of eggs is white.” or “The yolks of eggs are white.”? (Answer: Neither option is correct, since
               the yolk of an egg is yellow, not white.)

              Activity 6
              • Students don’t need to write the experiences in full detail, since they will ask questions to get more details
               later. You may want to hurry this process along, so as to have more time for the later steps in this practice.

              • Try to give students enough time to write their experiences down and to be able to proofread their work,
               no matter how small it may seem. This is one of the strategies that will allow them to overcome the barriers
               they will encounter on their way to becoming a B1 level English user.

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