Page 88 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 88

Activity 11 (continues)
                                                                                 • Your students may register the
                                                                                   questions in their notebook, but
                                                                                   they should also take notes
                                                                                   on the most important aspects of
                                                                                   the questions.

                                                                                 Activity 12
                                                                                 • By now, your students should be
                                                                                   able to write short descriptions.
                                                                                   If not, provide them with
                                                                                   expressions they can use to
                                                                                   begin their description. Allow
                                                                                   them to check other practices
                                                                                   where descriptions and
                                                                                   structures used for describing
                                                                                   are employed (adjectives,
                                                                                   superlatives and comparatives,
                                                                                   relative clauses).
                                                                                 • Deciding on the sequence of
                                                                                   events is also important. For this
                                                                                   activity, a timeline or a retelling
                                                                                   of main ideas could be useful
                                                                                   in verifying whether the chosen
                                                                                   order is the most appropriate
                                                                                   one. If your students are
                                                                                   proficient, they could rearrange
                                                                                   the events of their anecdote,
                                                                                   putting situations that happened
                                                                                   in the middle of the sequence
                                                                                   (a concept technically called
                                                                                   in medias res, which means in
                                                                                   the middle of the issue) so as to
                                                                                   make their descriptions
                                                                                   more compelling.

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