Page 93 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 93

Activity 22
              • Play Track 38 and make sure
               your students notice how the
          rack 38  expressions are composed.
               Repeat it a few times and
               pause where you consider it
           T   necessary, so your students can
               build their own expressions.
              • Show students, while listening to
               the track, how the assumptions
               are linked with the details that
               allow the riddle to be solved.
               Invite them to make such links
               with the assumptions and details
               for their own riddles.
              • Make sure they understand what
               assumptions are and the way in
               which they can express them.
               Give them several chances to
               try to build them and support
               them so they can succeed
               at this activity.
              • Encourage their exchanges
               and monitor their level of
               proficiency when they interact
               with each other.
              Activity 23
              • Help your students realize that
               previous activities are intended
               to give way to the game they
               will carry out in this activity.

              • Check the game rules they wrote with them so that there are no questions and they can use them
               effectively once the game begins.

              • Have them think about how they know whether the riddles they chose are appropriate and are easily
               understood by means of this game. They can then take advantage of this opportunity and not worry about
               any mistakes they may detect at this stage.
              • Organize the teams so they can play among themselves, give them enough time to play. Walk around to
               offer them support in case they need it.
              • Once the game has finished, ask the teams to gather together so they can improve the riddles and correct
               any mistakes they may have encountered.

           92     Teacher’s Book  /  Practice 5
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