Page 95 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 95
Activity 26
Closure stage-socialization
• Show your students different
layouts for their anthologies,
for instance: horizontal,
vertical; formats such as big
or standard; different binding
types: stapled, bound, sewn,
glued; written by hand or by
computer. Encourage them to
be mavericks with their designs
and to exploit their creativity at
their highest levels.
• Remind them that inasmuch as
they feel proud of what they
achieve, so will their addressee.
• Use this opportunity to have
students recognize each team
member’s skills (for example,
who is the best artist, whose
handwriting is the most
legible, who is most skillful at
using a keyboard) so they can
benefit from those skills when
preparing their anthologies.
Activity 27
• Explain that by carrying out this
activity, students make sense of
everything they have done up to
this point. A product that is not
received by its addressees is
merely a school task and does
not become a chance to share riddles with others and have a lot of fun together.
• Help them define the best place to hold the event, organize the time and venue where it will take place
and decide who will be invited and how invitations will reach them, etc.
• Ask your students to watch for the reactions of those invited to the event and to ask for their opinion. That
way, they can gauge the effect the anthology has and what details have to be considered in order to be
successful with other language products.
94 Teacher’s Book / Practice 5