Page 172 - @ccess 1 Student´s Book
P. 172

With this
                        Building stage                                        graphic, you first
                                                                            write details that are                   session 6
                          14. Look at the following graphics.

                                                                            similar and then you go
                                                        This graphic             on to present
                                                       allows us to put          the differences.
                                                    information and labels in
                                                      the middle. It could

                                                           be useful.

                       This graphic is
                     not appropriate, you                                                                              Selecting graphics for contrasting. Composing a graphic to contrast with
                      can’t compare details

                       because the arrows
                           indicate cause

                             and effect.

                                                                                                To persuade
                             •  Discuss which graphics could be useful to compare and           means to provoke
                                                                                               a change in
                                contrast information and which would not.                      someone’s attitude

                             •  With your teacher’s help, gather other graphics to compare     to get something.
                                                                                               In order to do
                                information.                                                  so, you might
                                                                                              use specific
                             •  Choose a graphic that would be suitable for comparing
                                                                                              expressions or
                                information.                                                  change how you
                                                                                             say something.
                       FOR OUR TRIP SCHEDULE

                          15. Establish the details you will compare in the proposals.

                             •  Include the information you recorded in Activity 13 for each detail compared.

                                Look at the example.

                           Suggestion 1: Visit Chapultepec                    Suggestion 2: Amusement park

                                  The heart of                  Location          Located on the southern
                                                                                  edge of Mexico City
                                  Mexico City

                                                                                        Studentʼs Book  /  Practice 10  171
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