Page 174 - @ccess 1 Student´s Book
P. 174


                          17. It is time to check your performance up to this point. In order to
                             do so, ask and answer the following questions with two teammates.                       session 8

                                                                                          What Partner 2
                                                               What Partner 1
                                                                says about me:             says about me:

                      What was the activity in which,
                      according to you, I had the best
                      performance, and why?

                       What was the activity in which,
                       according to you, I could have had a                                                            Expressions and connectives used to give reasons
                       better performance, and why?

                                  What are the
                                  strengths you have
               Remember           noticed when I interact

              When contrasting    with others?
              features, you
               may want to use    What can I do to
               comparatives        better support the
               (The park is
               better because      team during the
               it is free. There   upcoming tasks?
                are more things
                to do than in the
                amusement park.)
                or superlative        What comments do
                expressions to
                 distinguish one      you have about my
                 aspect from others   engagement and
                 (The nearest option
                 is Chapultepec).     participation in
                                      the tasks?

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