Page 154 - @ccess 2 Student´s Book
P. 154

A Penny for Your Thoughts  3.  Look at the chart below. Read the activities you will complete in this practice

                           in order to participate in a round-table discussion of civic and ethical issues.
 Academic and educational environment
 SOCIAL LANGUAGE PRACTICE:   Write down points of view to participate in a round-table discussion.  Remember to tick each activity as soon as you finish it.

                     Week 1                                     WARM-UP STAGE

                                                        • Select a topic from the Civic and ethics
                                                        educational environment.
                                                        • Establish the results desired when looking
                                  Explore texts
                                                        up information.
                                 introducing civic
                                                        • Ask questions and look up information which gives
                                 and ethical issues.
                                                        their answer.
                                                        • Look for appropriate sources and select information.
                                                        • Compare text organization.
                     Week 2                                     BUILDING STAGE

                                                        • Anticipate general meaning.
                                                        • Read and contrast points of view and main ideas.
                                 Read information.
                                                        • Link points of view and details.
                                                        • Compose notes to establish what will be said.

                     Week 3                                     BUILDING STAGE

                                                        • Listen to round-table discussions to explore the format.
                                                        • Express points of view.
                                                        • Give and receive feedback on voice features and non-
                                 Rehearse a             verbal language.
                                                        • Adjust the message to the audience.
                                                        • Establish acceptable attitudes for panelists             session 2
                                                        and audience.

                     Week 3                             CLoSURE STAGE-SoCIALIzATIoN

                                                        • Organize turns and times of participation and decide
                                 Carry out a            place and date for the round-table.
                                 round-table.           • Discuss points of view to participate in the round-table.
                                                        • Check the attitudes of panelists and audience.

                        4.   Listen to the statements on Track 50 in which different students
                           say how they will look for the information they need.                        TRACK 50

                            •  Read the following purposes and relate them to the statements.

                              Look at the example.                                                                  Topic, purpose, and addressee
                                                                                                    This student is
                                                                           This student is
                        This student is           This student is   looking for opinions to   looking for information to
                looking for information   looking for information   draw a conclusion from   create a long text, like
                to study for an exam.    to participate in an oral   different points of view.  an essay.

                                         presentation, round-table
                 Example:                or debate.

                  Statement 4

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