Page 156 - @ccess 2 Student´s Book
P. 156

7.  Discuss the strategies you can use to find information about the topic you
                           selected. Look at the example.

                                                 When I look for information in printed sources, I
                                                 check the table of contents first.                                session 3

                                          What I do is browse through the book and look at the images. If I find

                     Strategies           one about the topic I chose, I read that page. Sometimes the table
                     to look for          of contents doesn’t include all the information that is in the book.

                                                That’s a great idea, but what do you do if there
                                                are no images?

                                                            If there are none, I read the titles of the sections
                                                            and chapters.                                           Information sources and general meaning

                                                                                     browse (v.):
                                                                                     hojear, revisar
                  IT                                                                 footnote (n.):
                                                                                     nota al pie

                    On a website, use the shortcut Ctrl + F, or Cmd + F, to look for specific words on the webpage.
                    You can use the words from the questions you wrote as keywords.

                        8.  Gather the printed sources you selected.

                            •  Identify the components used in each one to organize the information.
                            •  Make a chart in your notebook to record which components are used in each

                              source. Look at the example.

                                                    Comparative chart

                                               Book about
                          Components         human rights        ONU’s website       about human

                        Table of contents           ✓                   ✓                   ✓

                        Footnotes                   ✓                   ✘                   ✘

                        Appendix                    ✓                   ✘                   ✘

                        Bibliography                ✓                   ✓                   ✓

                        Glossary                    ✓                   ✘                   ✘

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