Page 155 - @ccess 2 Student´s Book
P. 155
For our round-table
5. Brainstorm some questions for the round-table, based on the topic you
established in Activity 2 and write them in your notebook.
lack (n.): ausencia
Questions: suitable (adj.): adecuado,
op-ed (n.): artículo de
» Why is education important for solving conflicts? opinión
to foster (v.): fomentar
» Where has lack of access to education become a problem? leaflet (n.): folleto
copyrights (n.): derechos
de autor
» How can education address the problems of inequality? loan (n.): préstamo
For our round-table
6. With your teacher’s help, write some sources suitable for the TRACK 51
questions you wrote in Activity 5.
• Look at the example below and listen to the discussion on Track 51.
List of possible sources
» Feature articles in magazines
» Op-eds in newspapers
» Websites of NGOs fostering education and human rights
» Political organizations’ leaflets Remember
» Foreign governments’ webpages (especially from Ministries for Education) Remember
» General-audience books about human rights and education copyrights allow
» Educational TV program photocopying just
parts of a book
and not all of it.
• Check the availability of the materials you established and Some libraries
organize yourselves to look for them. have agreements
with other libraries,
they can provide
you with an
interlibrary loan
so that you won't
have to travel that
far to get books or
other resources.
154 Studentʼs Book / Practice 9