Page 176 - @ccess 2 Student´s Book
P. 176
21. Determine the information you will state in your complaint and the order
in which it will appear. Consider the reason, purpose and addressee you
selected in Activity 11. Look at the example.
Example: We can start with the opening
expressions we wrote in Activity 19.
Yes. Then we need to add the
reason for our complaint.
OK, but let’s include a solution, as well.
That way we can convince the secretary
to give us our money back
Sure. We can finish the
conversation by saying goodbye.
Reader's • Check your Reader’s Book to review complaints.
Book page 89
22. Listen to the track. It features some students rehearsing
their complaint. TRACK 58
• Read the transcript for the track and pay attention to the feedback they session 10
gave each other.
I think you did a good job, but
maybe we should include the
name of the clinic. Girl: Good morning! You are calling the eye
clinic. How may I help you?
Boy: Hello! (mmm) My name is José López and
I agree. In your case, I think I am calling because (mmm) I want to complain Non-verbal language
you should change some about the glasses I got this morning. The thing
expressions to appear more is that my sight is still terrible. Everything is
formal, and don’t say “mmm”. blurry! Besides, they pinch my nose. I don’t
think the eye doctor did a good job, so
I want my money back.
• Rehearse your complaint and give your partner some feedback.
Studentʼs Book / Practice 10 175