Page 177 - @ccess 2 Student´s Book
P. 177

For our complaint

                    23. Discuss the non-verbal language you could use if you are going to
                        complain in person. Look at the example.

                                                                                             to portray (v.):
                                      We have to be very careful with the                    fake (adj.): falso
                                      gestures, since they can be misinterpreted.            sketch (n.):
                                     Definitely, we have to portray a firm but respectful
                                      image, so the other person doesn’t feel threatened.

                                          Yes, we have to pay attention to the way we
                                          stand and how we place our hands

          Things I know. Planning our product.
                                                  I agree, but we have to move
                                                  something, or else it will look fake.

                         •  Draw some sketches of the non-verbal language you are going to use when

                            making your complaint.
                         •  Add some notes to help you identify each gesture. Make your drafts here.

                                                                 »   Raise your arms and hands to show that

                                                                   you do not know what to do.

           session 10

                                                                  »   Project an attentive expression, so the
                                                                     other person knows they are being heard.

                                                                             Continue this activity on the next page

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