Page 56 - @ccess 3 Student´s Book
P. 56
19. With your teacher’s help, check how instructions are made more
precise. Look at the example.
Example: session 7
Resources for precision
1. Select a suitable, safe outdoor site. » They add the adjectives suitable
and safe outdoor before site.
20. Copy the steps of the set of instructions in your notebook
and do the following: Resources for precision
• Place a slash / between the phrases.
• Select the word or punctuation mark linking the sentences. Look at the example.
Select a suitable, safe outdoor site./ Locate an object at the site that casts a narrow
shadow. / The object needs to be short enough for participants / to measure its
height. / If nothing is available in the outdoor area, / set a broom or yardstick in a
coffee can full of gravel or sand, / or pound a sturdy stake into the ground, / or set a
clean plunger on the pavement.
21. It’s time to check your performance up to this point. Make a chart in your
notebook like the one shown below. Include the most important learning
events you’ve had up to this point, as well as your feelings, what you have
learned and what you could improve. Look at the example.
Some reflections on my progress
Event Feelings What I learned What I can improve
Reading the set of I was excited because I I managed to really I can make more effort
instructions in the like science and it was understand how different towards participating with
activity book. a good chance to learn sets of instructions my teammates.
about it in English. incorporate their text
and images.
Studentʼs Book / Practice 3 55