Page 144 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 144
Activity 12 (continues)
• Go through the example with
them and answer any questions T
they may have. Let them
recognize the key words from rack 45
both essays in the diagrams.
• Help them decide on the
diagram that best suits each
organizational pattern. They can
suggest others as long as
they represent the
information properly.
Activity 13
• Play the track once.
• Elicit what is going on in the
dialogue. You might get answers
like, “The students are analyzing
Orwell’s essay. They are
commenting on each paragraph
and interpreting what the author
is saying.”
• Allow some time for students
to read the chart, identify
the different strategies, their
definitions and the examples
from the dialogue.
• Once they have finished, check
their answers and discuss each
strategy with them.
Teacher’s Book / Practice 8 143