Page 146 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 146
Activity 14
• Read the paragraph
with students.
• Ask some questions regarding
the underlined words and
phrases (i. e. What do you know
about the Soviet Union? Can you
tell me some famous brands of
candy bars and hamburgers?
Where are they from? What can
you say about Russia and the
United States’ relationship?).
• Go through the chart with
students. Emphasize the
questions that serve as
examples and what you
discussed before.
• Allow some time for students
to formulate their questions.
Provide help if necessary, as
they might need some guidance
when reading between the lines.
Activity 15
• Play the track. T
• Encourage students to comment
on the essay they selected by rack 46
including the questions they
formulated in the previous
activity. This might make them
feel more comfortable, as they
already discussed the essay
while writing the questions.
Activity 16
• Ask students to open their Reader’s Book, and to comment on the flowchart. Some of them might
recognize it, since they are quite common online.
• Elicit how to use it.
• Tell them that the purpose of the activity is to comment on the essay and to stay on topic, so they will have
to select the best intervention at each step. If the conversation finishes quickly, they did not choose the best
answer. If they end up talking about visits to the dentist, they lost the thread.
Teacher’s Book / Practice 8 145