Page 151 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 151
Activity 23 (continues)
• Their answers may vary, but
they might be something
like: British: practical, easy to
make, utilitarian, convenient,
simple, common, daily event.
Russia: complicated, familiar
environment, comforting, warm,
a gathering, conversation,
tradition. Japan: ceremony,
ritual, elegance, respect, bow,
meticulous, silence, cleanliness,
special event.
Activity 24
• Allow some time for students
to scan the Venn diagram and
the values they identified in the
previous activity.
• Help students determine which
cultural traditions can be used in
their comparative chart.
• Check the final version of the
chart in Activity 32 if you want
to provide a full list of the topics
used in this comparative chart.
• Ask students if they can think of
any more topics or if they can
combine two into one.
• After deciding on the topics,
elicit some questions they can
write for each one. Provide
some examples.
• If there are several pairs of students working on the same topic, ask them to work together.
Activity 25
• Tell students to answer the questions from the previous activity.
• Remind them to go back to the essays they selected to accurately answer everything.
• Provide help if necessary.
150 Teacher’s Book / Practice 8