Page 188 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 188
Social language practice 1: Express support and sympathy while facing an everyday issue.
• Checklist example. This instrument, as the name suggests, is a list of expected learning
outcomes to be checked off as they are observed.
Social learning environment: Family and community
Expected learning outcomes Always Sometimes Not yet
Expresses reasons for her/his interest
in a problem.
Contrasts effects caused by prosody
and non-verbal language.
Defines ways to express herself/
himself according to the addressee.
Social language practice 2: Read theater plays.
• Anecdotic notes examples. This instrument is used to register short descriptions of direct
observations made by teachers within classrooms. It should help teachers to recognize and
interpret patterns of learning over time. Teachers may choose to record anecdotal notes in, for
example: tables in a notebook, cards, adhesive notes, etc.
Social learning environment: Ludic and literary
Expected learning Expected learning
outcomes Anecdote outcomes Anecdote
Chooses and reviews AM: Brought some plays Reads short theater MC: It’s quite dependent
short theater plays for he downloaded from the plays and understands on the model.
teenagers. web for the class. general meaning, main
ideas and details.
Participates in AV: Could show more
dramatic readings. assertiveness when
speaking before an
Social language practice 3: Compose instructions for facing a risky situation due to a natural
• Assessment scale example. This is used to register, in an orderly and systematic way, what
will be assessed about a student by expressing the different degrees of achievement in a
descriptive way. This assessment may be based on numbers or shown as a graphic scale.
• Assessment scale, in which 1 represents the minimum and 6 the maximum level of
Social learning environment: Academic and educational
Expected learning outcomes
Chooses and reviews instructions. Reads and understands instructions.
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Student name
Teacher’s Book 187