Page 189 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 189
Social learning environment: Academic and educational
Expected learning outcomes
Writes instructions. Edits instructions.
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Student name
Social language practice 4: Compare the same piece of news from different journalistic sources.
• Rubrics example. These are frameworks for recording students’ progress. They feature
short descriptive statements along a continuum of excellence. Teachers and/or students can
determine the quality of performance against a set of predetermined criteria.
Social learning environment: Family and community
Expected learning outcomes
I can review news stories from I can check some parts of a I can understand a headline.
different media outlets. news article.
I can read news. I can pinpoint general I can understand general
meaning, main ideas and meaning and main ideas.
some details.
I can contrast how one piece of I can contrast. I can comment on a piece
news is reported by a range of of news.
media outlets.
Social language practice 5: Improvise a short monologue about a matter of interest.
• Graphic assessment scale example. On this scale, the x on the left represents the
minimum and the x on the right the maximum level of achievement.
Social learning environment: Ludic and literary
Recognizes Plans a monologue. Presents a Encourages
different monologue. feedback.
monologue genres.
Student 1 x - x - - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x x - x - x - - x - x x - x - x - x - - x
Student 2 x - - x - x - x - x x - x - x - - x - x x - x - x - x - x - x - - x - x - x - x
Student 3 x - x - x - x - - x x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - - x - x - x - x - x - x
Social language practice 6: Paraphrase information to explain the operation mechanism of
a machine.
• Questionnaire example. This is made up of open or closed questions that can be asked orally
or be in written form. The example shown below is a closed-question questionnaire.
188 Teacher’s Book