Page 187 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 187
Level of proficiency for Foreign language: English
Consolidate: Understands and uses English to interact with written and oral texts in diverse contexts.
1 grade, secondary school 2 grade, secondary school 3 grade, secondary school
Common reference: CEFR B1
B1.1 B1.2 B1.3
Identifies and understands Understands and exchanges Understands and exchanges
general meaning and main opinions on the general opinions on the general
ideas in different simple short meaning and main ideas of meaning, main ideas and some
texts, both written and oral, different short texts, both details of different short texts,
when they are in clear and written and oral, when they both written and oral, when
standard language, about are in clear and standard they are in clear and standard
known issues (study, work, language, about known and language, about known and
leisure activities). Knows how current issues (study, work, current issues (study, work,
to act in very basic ways in leisure activities). Knows leisure activities). Knows how
community situations and how to act in basic ways in to interpret and act in many
those that may arise while community situations and ways in community situations
traveling in an area where the those that may arise while and those that may arise while
language is used. Interprets, traveling in an area where the traveling in an area where the
describes and shares language is used. Describes language is used or even in
information. Describes and and justifies, in a brief some unexpected situations.
justifies, in a brief and basic and basic manner, some Describes and justifies,
manner, some experiences, experiences, events, wishes in a basic manner, some
events, wishes and desires, and desires. Understands experiences, events, wishes
and understands and and expresses instructions and desires. Understands and
expresses some warnings. and explains plans briefly. expresses instructions and
Understands some cultural Contrasts cultural traditions explains plans and points
traditions by means of ludic by means of ludic and literary of view briefly. Develops
and literary activities. activities. empathy towards other
cultures by means of ludic and
literary activities.
On social practices and expected learning outcomes derived from them
In order to gather information and evidence of the students’ performance and progress
regarding expected learning outcomes, it is possible to use different techniques, such as:
observation, interviews, a products or activities portfolio done by the students.
The selection of a specific technique depends, among other factors, on the information
required, the treatment it will be given, the people involved in this process (for example, students
or teachers) and the instrument or tool in which this information will be registered.
There are different ways to gather information and evidence in the classroom, such as rubrics,
assessment scales, anecdotes, questionnaires and others you may create. The point is that you
gather enough information and evidence of your students’ progress toward the expected learning
The following examples, based on the expected learning outcomes and derived from the social
language practices for second grade of secondary school, show some ways in which said progress
can be registered. Remember that you may use the instruments shown below or those you prepare
on your own, depending on the kind of information you need.
186 Teacher’s Book