Page 15 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 15

Practice 1

              AROUND THE

              Activity 1 Warm-up stage
              • Play the track once and elicit
               what the conversation was about
               and how many people were in
          rack 2  it. The answers should focus on

               the fact that three people are
           T   discussing sleeping habits
               in different countries.
              • Play the track one more time
               and pause every couple of lines.
              • Ask students some follow-up
               questions, such as what the
               strange topic is, where he
               read about it, why he found
               it fascinating, what sleeping
               traditions they are discussing,
               how they feel about napping,
               what facts the speakers
               provide, what regions or
               countries they mention, and
               any others you find interesting.
              • Start a discussion with students
               after listening to the track.
              • Elicit other sleeping habits
               students have heard of, the part
               they found most interesting and why.

              • Provide some other examples and link the topic to what Mexicans do regarding sleep.
              • The CD icon will appear throughout the practice to indicate the activity the track is linked to. However,
               remember the way we order activities is a suggestion and you may change them to suit the purposes you
               established with your students.

              Activity 2
              • Elicit other cultural habits people have around the world.
              • Remind them about the conversation on the previous track about sleeping traditions if they don’t know
               where to start.
              • Tell them to use the ideas in this activity and to elaborate on others they know of. Their answers may vary,
               but they will probably be able to talk about what their mother does when they have a cold, or that we
               celebrate certain dates, while other cultures do not.
              • Elicit other cultural habits.

                   Translate icon / Additional definitions: tip (v.): dar propina (consejo, punta de los dedos, inclinar)

           14     Teacher’s Book  /  Practice 1
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