Page 16 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 16
Activity 2 (continues)
• Expect answers such as greeting
people, wedding traditions,
etiquette, welcoming a baby,
games and sports, coming of
age rituals, what emojis mean
in different places, punctuality,
social media, small talk (i.e.
in London, people are always
talking about the weather,
whereas in Mexico it’s not an
important subject, people prefer
to discuss traffic), pets, eating
utensils, types of houses,
musical instruments.
• Have students choose three
different cultural habits
to discuss in their conversation.
• Go through the example with
them and provide some reasons
as to why each of these might
be interesting to talk about.
• Remind students to look for
information about the topics
they selected. If you have access
to the Internet, let them use a
search engine to look for articles
online. There are plenty in travel
magazines and blogs.
• RB Box can either extend the current practice or provide material for developing it. If you have enough
material, take time during the practice to go through the Reader’s Book to foster curiosity and improve
reading skills.
• IT box icons appear frequently in the practices with suggested websites. We recommend you visit the
websites before the session to check whether the contents proposed are useful for your class planning
and to anticipate questions from your students. You may also want to let them explore the websites freely.
These suggestions are not essential for developing the social practice of language, since we know Internet
connection may not be available at all locations.
Activity 3
• Explain why they are going to have a conversation about cultural habits in different countries and what is
expected from them when they finish the practice.
• Elicit the steps that are necessary in order to have a conversation, what they need to do, and the sequence
of the steps.
• Involve them in the planning of the product.
• Ask students to form teams for the conversation. Teams will work together throughout this practice.
Translate icon / Additional definitions: search engine (n.): buscador (motor de búsqueda, plataforma
de búsqueda)
Teacher’s Book / Practice 1 15