Page 23 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 23

Activity 15
              • Go through the example with
               students and ask them to
               summarize the highlighted facts.
               Their answers may vary,
               but they should be able to
               identify that all these countries
               have coffee at breakfast, or that
               coffee is an important element
               when starting the day.
              • Ask students other questions
               whose answers can be found in
               the information that serves as an
               example. You could elicit what
               dishes they eat with their coffee,
               if they are sweet or savory, why
               they think these countries like
               to have a bitter drink with their
               sweet meal, etc.
              • Allow some time for them to
               reread the information about the
               cultural habit they selected and
               to highlight the facts they will
               use during their conversation.
              • Monitor and provide help,
               if necessary.
              • Help students come up with an
               opinion supported by the facts
               they highlighted.

              • Remind them that they can use
               some words that serve as clues, so
               others will be able to identify them
               as opinions.
              Activity 16
              • Ask students to have their conversation in front of the class.
              • Remind the rest of the class to take notes on each performance, so they can provide their peers with
               constructive criticism.
              • Encourage students to reflect on their performance.

              • Go through the REMEMBER with students.
              • Tell them to focus on the good points and the ones they could improve.

              • Reflect on whether you need to make any changes or reinforce any content in this practice.
              • Check the students’ answers and, if necessary, offer options to improve them. For example: recognize
               what the problem is (lack of confidence, limited vocabulary, the way sentences are formed, lack of fluency,
               misunderstanding the activity, etc.); offer solutions (review the activity, practice with a partner, etc.);
               implement them.

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