Page 28 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 28
Activity 28
• Encourage students to reflect on
their performance.
• Help your students complete the
self-evaluation chart.
• Take into account that insofar
as they are able to detect their
strengths and needs, they will
be more autonomous.
• Go back to the chart in Activity
3 to check if you completed it,
and if there is something you
need to go through again.
• Check the students’ answers
and, if necessary, offer options
to improve them. For example:
recognize what the problem
is (unable to speak easily,
quickly and with few pauses,
cannot check the relevance
of information for a specific
purpose, etc.); offer solutions
(have a clear idea of his or her
point of view, understand what
he or she wants to say, etc.);
implement them.
Activity 29
• Tell them to focus on the good
details and the ones they
could improve.
• Reflect on whether you need to make any changes or reinforce any content in this practice.
• Make sure your students complete the evaluation chart honestly.
• Elicit their impressions, which parts of the practice they enjoyed the most and which they found
a bit difficult.
• Ask them to share their overall impression.
• Explain the importance of valuing not only their performance, but the final product at the end of the
social practice.
Activity 30
• Ask students to fill the chart in with the strengths they noticed in their teammates and the ways they
could improve.
• Remind students of the importance of assessing peers in order to improve their performance.
• Emphasize the importance of feedback between peers, as it becomes an opportunity to enrich our skills,
ideas, and behaviors.
• Tell them to focus on the aspects they can improve, and not much on the mistakes.
• Remind them to take into account the skills and attitudes involved in this practice.
• Encourage them to check the notes they took during each conversation.
Teacher’s Book / Practice 1 27