Page 26 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 26
Activity 22
Closure stage-socialization
• Ask students to scan the
expressions on the chart and
elicit what they are about.
• Start a discussion about when
these might be useful and if
students have said something
like them in the past.
• Go through the directions and
the example with students.
• Allow some time for them to
complete the activity.
• Elicit other expressions similar
to these and when they come
in handy.
Activity 23
• Play the track and use it as
an example. T
• Ask students what is going on
and if there is someone new in rack 11
the conversation. Their answers
may vary, but they should be
able to identify that the original
interlocutors do not know about
the English breakfast, so they
ask Andrés, a guy who lived in
the UK, about it. You can also
ask them if it was a good idea to
participate in the conversation
and why.
• Encourage students to discuss the cultural habit they selected and to pay attention to whether or not
some information is missing. If that is the case, ask them to use some of the expressions from the previous
activity to invite someone else, who might know something they don’t, to join the conversation.
• Check the students’ answers and, if necessary, offer options to improve them. For example: recognize
what the problem is (unable to speak easily, quickly and with few pauses, cannot check the relevance
of information for a specific purpose, etc.); offer solutions (have a clear idea of his or her point of view,
understand what he or she wants to say, etc.); implement them.
Activity 24
• Go through the example with students and elicit the differences in the statements.
• Ask students to check the facts they highlighted before and to see if they can present them in a more
interesting way.
• Remind them of the importance of reviewing their work to make a more compelling argument during
their conversation.
• Monitor and provide help if necessary.
• Go through the REMEMBER with them and answer any questions that might arise.
Translate icon / Additional definitions: staple (adj.): básico (estable, establo)
Teacher’s Book / Practice 1 25