Page 27 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 27

Activity 25
              • Tell students to scan the lines
               and ask them if the conversation
               is in the correct order.
              • Allow some time for them to
               organize the dialogues.
              • Encourage a few volunteers to
               perform the dialogue in front
               of the class and tell them to
               improvise a little. They can change
               the expressions or expand the
               conversation if they want to.
              • Allow some time for students to
               discuss an appropriate ending
               for the conversation about the
               cultural habit they selected.
              • Remind them to use the
               example as a model, but
               encourage them to adapt
               it appropriately.
              Activity 26
              • Tell students to decide on the
               turns of participation.
              • Discuss the best way to have
               the conversations and help them
               decide who goes first.
              • Arrange the space so the
               audience is comfortable. You
               can change the layout of the
               furniture in the classroom
               if necessary.

              • Remind students to have the facts, questions and answers at hand in case they get stuck, but encourage
               them to improvise.

              • Remind students to try to have fun since this is supposed to be a fun activity.
              • Ask them to take notes of each pair’s conversation, so they can provide feedback at the end of the practice.
              • Tell them to be respectful while others are talking.

                   Translate icon / Additional definitions: savory (adj.): salado (entrada salada, canapé, bocadillo)
                   • Remind students to ask the audience what they thought of the conversation.
              Activity 27
              • Encourage students to reflect on what they learned in this practice.

              • Start a discussion about the strategies they applied to have a successful conversation about a cultural habit
               in different countries.

              • Go through the strategies provided and elicit others that they learned about in other grades.
              • Tell them to reflect on the strategies they used while talking to friends or at home.
              • Ask them if these strategies can be used in any conversation they have in English, and if they apply to
               other languages. Their answers may vary, but they should say that they agree that they can.
           26     Teacher’s Book  /  Practice 1
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