Page 30 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 30
Activity 2 (continues)
• Help students with words and
expressions they don’t know.
It is always better to provide
solutions such as using a
printed or digital dictionary
(when available), or to deduce
from context, rather than give
the explanation directly.
• Since it is a text from almost two
centuries ago, it is important
to give some context before
playing the track.
Activity 3
• As we mentioned, one of the
objectives at this level (B1) is to
be able to describe emotions
in full detail, so provide T
your students with ample
opportunities to speak and give racks 12
them ideas reminding them of
other practices in which they
gave their opinion.
• Give your students feedback
after they have finished their
interactions. Avoid unnecessary
interruptions and ask students
to encourage peer feedback.
Instead of directly correcting
your students, tell them to use
indirect strategies such as
asking for clarification.
• The CD icon will appear throughout the practice to indicate the activity the track is linked to. However,
remember the way we order activities is a suggestion and you may change them to suit the purposes
you established with your students.
Activity 4
• This repertoire of words and expressions might be clues for your students to better understand the poem
or it may sidetrack them. That is the purpose of this discussion.
• Ask a volunteer to read aloud some of the words they have in this Activity. Tell your students to write a few
extra words to expand the list they have.
• Form small groups and have them discuss the different situations in which they could use the words and
phrases in the Activity.
Teacher’s Book / Practice 2 29