Page 57 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 57
Activity 11 Building stage
• In this activity, students will
write the instructions for their
experiment, keeping the
rack 20 addressee in mind. Technical
texts should not be discarded.
More time would, however, be
T needed to study them. A text
in and of itself is not easy or
difficult. How students approach
the text is the key to making the
text either more or less difficult
to understand.
• You may use other strategies,
such as looking at just the
list of materials and making
predictions about the text based
on that.
• Another strategy for carrying
out this activity is skimming the
text and trying to recap the most
important points.
Activity 12
• One way to help your students
rack 21 the help of graphic resources
understand information is with
(e.g. images, timelines). They
T will be helpful in illustrating the
sequential relationship between
• We are well aware of
administrative concerns and traditional methods of teaching. However, your students’ participation in
conversations in English should be your goal when deciding whether to have them only practice in class
or to have them interact with others who speak English. The payoff for your students is greater in the
second case.
Activity 13
• This activity’s purpose is that students should develop the ability to understand expressions based on
context while dealing with homonymy (a word that it is written the same way with two different meanings)
and polysemy (the fact that a word may have two or more meanings).
• You may want to let your students use a dictionary. If that’s the case, take care your students read each
subentry for each word carefully so as to get the most precise definition.
• Words and expressions are meant to be learned in context. That’s why we do not include a specific section
for vocabulary drills.
56 Teacher’s Book / Practice 3