Page 54 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 54

Activity 5
                                                                                   • It is important to discuss
                                                                                     technical matters, since        T
                                                                                     that is what allows students
                                                                                     to expand their repertoire     rack 19
                                                                                     of words and expressions.
                                                                                     Students then find it easier to
                                                                                     access other texts which, in
                                                                                     turn, can be useful to improve
                                                                                     proficiency. However, at this
                                                                                     level, extended interventions
                                                                                     should not be expected.
                                                                                     It is important however, to
                                                                                     encourage those kinds of
                                                                                     interventions, as they are
                                                                                     pretty useful for increasing
                                                                                   • In order to promote autonomy,
                                                                                     it is important to reduce
                                                                                     the number of times a track
                                                                                     is repeated. Sometimes,
                                                                                     there will be no window for
                                                                                     repetition (emergencies or,
                                                                                     for example, announcements
                                                                                     on public transportation
                                                                                     where arrival to a station
                                                                                     is imminent); however,
                                                                                     having the chance to hear a
                                                                                     recording twice may improve
                                                                                     your students’ chances of
                                                                                     getting the gist and
                                                                                     the details.
              • The CD icon will appear throughout the practice to indicate the activity the track is linked to. However,
               remember the way we order activities is a suggestion and you may change them to suit the purposes you
               established with your students.
              Activity 6
              • If there are time constraints on this activity, you may decide your students should give oral descriptions.
              • Remind your students to be as concise as they can. Quality over quantity. For instance, in examinations,
               they are penalized more for lack of clarity than for not achieving the established number of words.
              • Have students use available dictionaries for any technical vocabulary.

              • Make sure the students can perform the activity. If necessary, use the set of instructions on page 48
               or others that you may find, show them where each part is and offer different ways to describe them.

                    Translate icon / Additional definitions: carry out (v.): realizar (llevar a cabo, llevar)

                                                                                        Teacher’s Book  /  Practice 3  53
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