Page 92 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 92
Activity 20
• This activity (making
assumptions) is a skill required T
in practices both before and
after this one. Be sure to adapt rack 36
the contents of other practices.
Remember: knowledge about
the language does not entail
knowing everything before
doing it, but rather learning
what it is necessary to solve
a problem. There are other
strategies beyond those
mentioned in the Remember
box that your students can
use, for example, questions
beginning with Don’t you...? or
Could it be that...?
• If your students have already
mastered how to use all the
strategies in the Remember box,
and even the ones mentioned
in the previous suggestion,
you may skip the activity
altogether. Just remind your
students that they will need to
put into practice how to make
assumptions by Activity 23.
Activity 21
• Offering options is key for
solving riddles. As in Activity 11, T
it is important that your students
stay focused. However, since they also have to assess how plausible the option is, even if the solution rack 37
may seem ludicrous, it is actually an excellent chance to get your students to react and make a counter-
argument (which is pretty complex even in one’s first language).
• Make sure your students respect even the options that they may think of as far-fetched. It is important to
have them notice that the answer to the riddle may lie in an out-of-the-box way of thinking.
Teacher’s Book / Practice 5 91