Page 91 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 91

Activity 17
              • Provide enough time for your
               students to talk and listen, so
               they obtain the greatest benefit
               from their interaction
               with others.

              • Help your students reflect on the
               knowledge they have acquired
               up to this point and how to
               enrich their language skills in
               order to share their views
               with others.
              • Point out that while doing this
               activity students are using the
               strategy “selecting information,”
               which is necessary to write a
              Activity 18
              • Encourage your students
               to cooperate towards the
               improvement of the riddles
               based on their interests.
          rack 35  • Encourage the use of other

               resources (for example, working
           T   with different teams) to check
               and verify their work.
              • Keep an eye on the tone
               used when suggestions for
               improvement are being made;
               it is best if students don’t
               sound patronizing or
               excessively demanding.
              • Point out that while doing this activity students are using the strategy “selecting information,” which is
               necessary to write a riddle.
              Activity 19
              • Spelling and punctuation are important for avoiding misunderstandings. If your students have problems
               with spelling and punctuation, they may resort to reading the activity or their Reader’s Book to solve such

              • It is important that your students have an array of strategies for writing beyond asking you every question
               they have. If available, style guides or dictionaries can be used while writing.
              • Point out that while doing this activity students are using the strategy “broadening information,” which is
               necessary to write a riddle.

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