Page 159 - @ccess 2 Student´s Book
P. 159

For our round-table

                     14. Have a look at the questions you wrote in Activity 5. Make a chart in your
                         notebook like the one below and do the following:
                         •  Scan the contents of your resources to look for words and expressions similar to

                            those you use in your questions.
                         •  Once you find them, identify the information that answers your questions.

                         •  Record the piece of text that answers them in your notebook.
                          •  Include the source in the chart. Look at the example.

                         Question                              Text                  Example:

                     Example:                 Example:                               »   Education Document
                     »   Why is education     »   Access to quality education is a     (available on the Web):
                       important for            right that should be maintained even

                       solving conflicts?       in the most difficult circumstances.
                                                Education protects children from
                                                 violent conflict and creates safe
                                                 and secure learning environments.
                                                 In the midst of conflict, education
                                                 has an important role in providing
                                                 protection and establishing a sense

                                                 of normalcy. For example: ‘Schools as
                                                 Zones of Peace’ in Nepal has been a
                                                 successful model for keeping schools
                                                  open despite civil unrest.

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