Page 49 - @ccess 3 Student´s Book
P. 49

Continue Activity 4 below
                        •  Find the section to which each post-it refers in the text. Draw an     manhandle
                                                                                                  (v.): maltratar
                          arrow to link them. Look at the example.
                        •  Discuss: ¿Do you think this was the best way to arrange the set
                          of instructions? ¿Why?

                                           Static-powered figures
             This shows in an                                                                  These are images
             orderly and detailed   MATERIALS                                                  that expand the
             manner how to do      *  Tissue paper                                             information in
             the experiment.       *  One balloon                                              each step of the
                                   *  Scissors                                                 instructions or
                                   *    Hair (preferably your own or other person’s, you may   show the materials
                                       use animal hair, provided you don’t manhandle the animal)  needed.

             This gives additional   1.    Draw a figure on the tissue. If it’s
             information about        a 2-ply tissue, you should separate
             what the                 them carefully, so you don’t tear them.                  These are graphic
             experiment proves.                                                                marks used to
                                    2.    Cut the figure and place it on an                     distinguish the steps
                                      even surface.                                             in the instructions
                                                                                                and to present the
                                    3.    Inflate the balloon
                                       and tie it off.

             This lists the things
             needed for doing
             the experiment.        4.    Rub the hair quickly on the balloon                   This is a catchy
                                       for at least 10 seconds (be careful,                     expression that
                                       because it may burst).                                   draws the reader’s
                                                                                                attention and
                                    5.  S  lowly move the balloon close to                       summarizes the
                                                                                                 information of the
                                        the tissue figure. If the balloon has                    experiment.
                                        been charged with enough static
                                        electricity, the figure will float
                                        towards it. With some practice, you
                                        may even make the figure dance.

                               Tip:   Well-charged, the balloon can move the tissue
                                   figure from several centimeters away.                        These are short

                               Why does the figure float towards the balloon?                   expressions
                                                                                                that divide the
                               When you rub the hair against the balloon, negatively-charged     experiment into
                               electrons gather on the balloon’s outer surface. These electrons   sections.
                                have enough electrical charge to attract light, positively-charged
                                objects, such as figure made of tissue.


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