Page 154 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 154
Activity 29 (continues)
• If there are several pairs of
students working on the same T
topic, they should do the first
draft together. rack 47
• Remind students of the
importance of writing a
first draft.
Activity 30
• Play the track.
• Elicit what is going on in
the dialogue.
• Ask students if there was a
problem or if all interlocutors
agreed on something and how
they negotiated.
• Encourage them to have a
discussion about the cultural
traditions they identified in the
essays and to use the first draft
of their comparative chart.
• The CD icon will appear
throughout the practice to
indicate the activity the track is
linked to. However, remember
the way we order activities is a
suggestion and you may change
them to suit the purposes you
established with your students.
Teacher’s Book / Practice 8 153