Page 155 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 155
Activity 31
• Remind students of the
importance of checking the
first draft.
• Tell them to look for spelling
mistakes and synonyms, or if
there are ways of summarizing
information. They might want to
combine two topics into one
or change a word to eliminate
a detail that can be included
in another topic.
• Encourage students to use a
dictionary to check spelling.
Activity 32
• Allow some time for students
to write the final version of the
comparative chart.
• Remind them to include all the
adjustments they made in the
previous activity.
• Encourage them to write it
on a separate piece of paper,
since they will need it during
the discussion and it is more
discreet than a notebook.
154 Teacher’s Book / Practice 8