Page 165 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 165
Activity 16
• Encourage students to present
their points of view to the rest of
the class.
• Remind them that the purpose
of this activity is to listen to
and think about different
perspectives and to add more
information to the discussion.
• Ask a couple of volunteers to
role-play the dialogue. You can
model with one of your student’s
points of view and start a
dialogue with him or her.
• Monitor and provide help to the
pairs that do not have much to
discuss. Ask some questions
and provide your point of view,
as well, so they can pick up the
conversation there.
• Tell students to take some notes
on the comments they find
useful, so they can include
them as arguments for the
round table.
Activity 17
• Ask students to check the
questions, answers, main ideas,
points of view and notes on
the comments from
other classmates.
• Allow some time for them to gather all these resources and encourage them to organize the information
on cards.
• Go through the example with them and ask them to identify where this information comes from.
• Remind them of the importance of organizing the information into topics so they have one per card. They
will find this useful during the round table.
164 Teacher’s Book / Practice 9