Page 160 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 160
Activity 7
• Ask students to think about the
strategies they use when doing
• Go through the dialogue with
them and add the ones you
use when looking for particular
• Model all the steps you follow
and voice what you think in
every step. By doing this, you
will show students the process
of looking for information, which
books are good sources, which
are not, and why.
• If you have access to a
computer, demonstrate some
ways of looking for information
and model what the IT
section states.
• Allow students to look for
information online, if you have
Internet access at school.
• Remind students to have
all the sources at hand, since
they will need them in the
following activities.
Activity 8
• Ask students to browse through
the books, magazines and the
other printed resources
they brought.
• Tell them to go through them and identify their parts. You can ask questions such as: “Is there a table of
contents?”, “What information can you find there?”, “What is the bibliography for?”, “Is it at the end of the
article or at the end of the book?”, “Why is that?”.
• Encourage students to make a chart in their notebook similar to the one in their book and to think about
other parts that we may find in printed sources.
• Tell them to fill it in and to discuss what each part is about and what information we can find. Model
if necessary.
Teacher’s Book / Practice 9 159