Page 172 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 172
Activity 3
• Make sure students identify the
three stages of the study plan
and that they understand each
activity to be done.
• Ask a student to read the tasks
out loud so they can understand
the activities they will complete
in order to have a round
table discussion.
• Don’t forget to go back to the
chart to tick each activity as
soon as you complete it.
Activity 4
• Go through the example with
students and answer any T
questions that may arise.
• Play the track once. rack 54
• Encourage students to carry
on with the discussion and to
support their points of view with
quotes from the track.
• If they get stuck, you can ask
questions such as, “Who are the
participants in the dialogue?”,
“What do they do?”, “Why
are they having the
conversation?”, “What is
the conversation about?”
Teacher’s Book / Practice 10 171