Page 176 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 176
Activity 13
• Ask students to discuss what
happened in the dialogue.
• Remind them to expand on what
they commented on in Activity 4.
• Go through the example with
them and encourage students to
continue with the discussion.
• You can ask them questions
such as: “Why did Lisa call the
company?”, “What did she say
to the salesman?”, “What did
the salesman respond?”, “How
did he feel when he understood
what had happened?”, “What
did he suggest?”, “How did Lisa
react to the solution?”
Activity 14
• Ask students to identify the
expressions that introduce a
solution to the problem in
the conversation.
• Go through the example with
them and elicit the ones that are
used in the dialogue.
• Provide a couple more
examples and encourage
students to do the same.
• Remind them to think about the
solutions to the problems they
talked about in Activity 2.
• You can also vary the activity by classifying the expressions according to the attitudes portrayed
in each expression.
• Show students that there are ways of asking for something without being rude, or being firm but polite
when asking for something.
Activity 15
• Tell students about a hypothetical situation and a plausible solution to it.
• Go through the reasons on the chart and encourage them to think about a solution to each one.
• Remind them to consider a pleasant attitude, as it will influence the resolution of the problem.
• The answers on the chart may vary, but they should be similar to the ones given here.
Teacher’s Book / Practice 10 175