Page 174 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 174

Activity 7
                                                                                 • Brainstorm, with students, the
                                                                                   words and expressions that
                                                                                   serve as clues to identify the
                                                                                   topic of the complaint.
                                                                                 • Model using a couple of
                                                                                   examples and play the track
                                                                                   one more time if they cannot
                                                                                   remember the dialogue.
                                                                                 • Go through the repertoire of
                                                                                   words and expressions and
                                                                                   ask them what each word and
                                                                                   expression means, what they
                                                                                   focus on and who says
                                                                                   each one.
                                                                                 • The CD icon will appear
                                                                                   throughout the practice to
                                                                                   indicate the activity the track is
                                                                                   linked to. However, remember
                                                                                   the way we order activities is a
                                                                                   suggestion and you may change
                                                                                   them to suit the purposes you
                                                                                   established with your students.
                                                                                 Activity 8

                                                                                 • Play the track once.              T
                                                                                 • Elicit how this dialogue differs
                                                                                   from the one they have listened   rack 55
                                                                                   to in previous sessions.
                                                                                 • Ask them questions such
                                                                                   as: “Who participates in
                                                                                   the dialogue?”, “What do
                                                                                   participants intend to do?”,
               “Do they achieve their goal?”, “Why is that?”, “What are the main differences between the two tracks?
              • Go through the dialogue with students. You should encourage a couple of volunteers to role-play it.
              • Encourage the rest of the class to carry on with the discussion.
              • Ask them if they have been in a similar situation and if communication was cut off because of the attitudes
               of the interlocutors.
              Activity 9

              • Play the track once.                                                                                 T
              • Elicit how this dialogue differs from the one they listened to in previous sessions.
              • You can also encourage them to talk about the attitudes and emotions that were at play in this dialogue.  rack 56
              • Go through the example with students and ask them if they agree with it and why.
              • Remind them to support their answers with quotes from the track.
              • Elicit different ways to carry out the conversation so both participants succeed when communicating.
              • Brainstorm some adjustments and go through the example with students, so they know what to do.
              • Encourage them to role-play the dialogue, adjusting the attitudes and, therefore, the expressions each
               interlocutor uses.

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