Page 179 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 179
Activity 19
• Elicit sentences or expressions
to use at the beginning of their
• Tell them to think about the ones
used on the tracks and to think
about others that may be useful.
• Encourage students to share
their answers with the rest of
the class.
• Classify the expressions
depending on the
speech register.
• Go through the REMEMBER
with students.
• Ask them which register works
best when making a complaint.
• Go through the example with
students and tell them to choose
the opening expressions for
their complaint.
• Remind them to determine
if they are going to have an
interlocutor or if the complaint
will be left on voicemail.
Activity 20
• Go through the example with
students and ask them to think
about the keywords they will
use in their complaint.
• Remind them to consider what
they wrote in Activities 11, 16 and 19.
• Help them check the spelling of their complaint and encourage them to look up words in the dictionary if
they do not know how to say them in English.
178 Teacher’s Book / Practice 10