Page 183 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 183
Activity 25
• Remind students of the purpose
of the complaint.
• Elicit why it is important to
convince the interlocutor to
consider the solution they state
in the complaint.
• Go through the examples with
students and allow some time
for them to finish the activity.
• Their answers may vary, but
they should be similar to the
ones provided.
Activity 26
• Have students write the final
version of the complaint.
• Remind them to include all the
adjustments they made in the
previous sessions.
• Allow some time for them to
practice the complaint.
• Go through the tips with them
and encourage them to have a
good time.
Activity 27
• Tell students to decide on the
turns of participation.
• Change the layout of the
furniture in the classroom
if necessary.
• Encourage the rest of the class to take notes to provide constructive feedback to their peers.
182 Teacher’s Book / Practice 10