Page 185 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 185


              The main aim of assessment is to provide information about the degree of progress each student
              achieves at different stages of the teaching and learning process. This enables the teacher to help
              students identify what they have learned after a given period of time (month, term, year, and cycle).
              It also helps them to consider how teaching situations, classroom working modes, use of materials,
              and the kind of help or guidance provided are aimed at the achievement of key learnings.

                 Assessment is a core syllabus element because it can influence teaching and learning
              processes, as well as their outcomes. In other words, what is assessed becomes the main focus of
              attention for teacher, students and parents, and it affects the interaction between students, and
              between them and the teacher in the classroom.

                 The aim of formative assessment is to develop “actions with the aim of gathering information
              about the students’ performance so as to intervene in different moments (before, during, after) of
              the learning process.” (Vargas, M.R y Ban, A.R 2001)

                 The purpose of assessment is to observe and monitor what students feel, know and do in
              the process of learning English, and to suggest precise ways of improving their performance in
              different moments. A successful formative assessment:

              •  gives students insight into what it is expected of them from the beginning.
              •  provides access to good models of the tasks students are expected to carry out.
              •  provides many opportunities to give and receive constant feedback about their strengths and
                 areas to review regarding their progress in English learning.

                 The levels of mastery and proficiency in English, as well as their descriptors, were created to
              determine the extent and amplitude of the curricula. They constitute the grounds for exploring the
              role of language and other means of communication in the youngsters’ cultural and social life as
              they progress through the education system towards attaining knowledge about the world.

                 In order to monitor your students’ progress, it is important to take the following into account:
              the level of mastery and proficiency in English, its descriptor, as well as the social language
              practice and the Key Learnings for 2nd grade of secondary school.

              Cycle 4 purposes

              The purposes established in the English Syllabus show links to the four pillars of education, as set
              forth in the report Learning: The treasure within (Delors, 1995). Thus, it is crucial to monitor and
              register the students’ progress in their classwork. With the objective of helping you in this task,
              we crafted an instrument to register said progress on 3 separate occasions throughout the school
              year. You can access it in full on the CD.

              1  Vargas, M.R. y Ban, R.A. (2011). Paso a paso con el PNIEB en las aulas. Latin American Educational Services, Inc. Ciudad de México.

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