Page 186 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 186

Learning to live together

                                          Purpose 1: Analyzes various         Purpose 2: Applies various
                                          aspects to improve intercultural    strategies to overcome personal
                                          understanding.                      and collective challenges while
                                                                              learning a foreign language.
                                                     School year:                        School year:
                                            Start of    During      At the     Start of     During      At the
                                           the year    the year   end of the   the year    the year   end of the
                                                                     year                                year
                    Student’s name         Yes   No    Yes   No   Yes    No   Yes    No   Yes    No   Yes    No

                                                      Learning to learn

                                          Purpose 3: Transfers strategies     Purpose 4: Uses a simple, but
                                          to consolidate performance in       wide linguistic repertoire in a
                                          learning situations involving a     number of known and current
                                          foreign language.                   situations.
                                                     School year:                        School year:

                                            Start of    During      At the     Start of     During      At the
                                           the year    the year   end of the   the year    the year   end of the
                                                                     year                                year
                    Student’s name         Yes   No    Yes   No   Yes    No   Yes    No   Yes    No   Yes    No

                                                Learning to do, know and be
                                          Purpose 5: Exchanges                Purpose 6: Interacts using
                                          information of current interest.    a neutral register in social
                                                                              exchanges in a varied range
                                                                              of situations.
                                                     School year:                        School year:
                                            Start of    During      At the     Start of     During      At the
                                           the year    the year   end of the   the year    the year   end of the
                                                                     year                                year
                    Student’s name         Yes   No    Yes   No   Yes    No   Yes    No   Yes    No   Yes    No

              On Cycle 4 level of proficiency and its descriptors

              To monitor students’ progress regarding level of proficiency and mastery in English, for Cycle 4, it
              is useful to compare each grade’s descriptors and to take them into account while students work
              in class. This will allow you to detect the differences between them and recognize where your
              students are. In turn, this will help you to monitor your students and guide them to achieve the
              level established by the end of secondary school. It is important to mention that the descriptors
              are embedded in the expected learning outcomes related to each social language practice.
                 We suggest you read and compare the three level of proficiency descriptors set for this cycle,
              shown in the table below. Pay attention to the sections in bold, which allow you to distinguish
              between them.

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